Dog's Dignity Beyond the Label

 More than a pet, a furry friend,
A heart of gold, a loyal blend.
Pooja's Coco, Pranjal's Clay or Poorva’s Joy,
A special sight, a playful boy.
Yet, in a world of facts and science,
Their essence often takes defiance.
And a simple word, a casual slip,
Can stir emotions, make feelings flip.
‘Dog’, a term, sounds uncouth and cold,
A creature's spirit, untold.
A factual term, a biological phrase,
Can stir a storm, a bitter maze.
For ‘dog’ alone, a term so plain,
Can strip away the magic, what a pain!
Beyond the label, a soul does reside,
A love so pure, a faithful guide.
Compassion, kindness, virtues bright,
To treat all beings with such light.
Yet, in the realm of scientific thought,
Their true nature cannot be naught.
For science calls, for facts to guide,
To recognize, where truth resides.
To honor both the heart and the mind,
A delicate balance must be aligned.
For in the dance of facts and feels,
A truth emerges, a lesson reveals.
With fidelity and joy, they lead the way,
A testament to life, day by day.
To celebrate a unique bond, a special tie,
Between animals and humans, soaring high.
Respect their essence, their unique grace,
A constant friend and a loving place.
So let us cherish, celebrate, and see,
The beauty in their canine decree.
For in their loyalty, their simple glee,
We find a truth, a harmony.
But let us also recognize the truth,
That dogs are dogs, beyond all ruth.

To read the source article, please visit Beyond the emotional realms of Canine-conundrum


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