
To see things as THEY are, not as WE are

I consider myself fortunate to have come into contact with the technique that the Buddha himself taught—a practice that has profoundly shaped my journey. Twenty-five centuries ago, Siddhartha Gautama set out on a quest to understand the root of human suffering, eventually achieving enlightenment and dedicating his life to sharing this path of liberation with others. His teachings, especially the meditation technique known as Vipassana, have become an essential part of my life, guiding me to observe reality as it truly is and helping me cultivate a deeper sense of awareness and tranquility amid life's struggles. Unlike many spiritual leaders, the Buddha did not claim to be divine. He insisted on being seen as an ordinary human being who discovered a way to be free from suffering. His teachings were initially transmitted orally and, much later, compiled into a text called the ‘Dhammapada’, meaning- at the feet of Dharma—a reference to the Universal Law of Life. The Buddha taught th

आस्था- जीवन का आधार

आपने मशहूर टीवी चैनल "आस्था" की टैगलाइन तो जरूर सुनी होगी—"आस्था: जीवन का आधार।" लेकिन क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि इस साधारण से वाक्य के पीछे कितनी गहरी सोच छिपी है ? यह सिर्फ एक नारा नहीं , बल्कि जीवन की जड़ों तक पहुँचने का एक प्रयास है। इस एक छोटे से वाक्य में छिपी गहराई को समझने के लिए हमें खुद के भीतर झांकना होगा और जीवन में आस्था के वास्तविक अर्थ को महसूस करना होगा। आस्था जीवन के उस पहलू को छूती है जो अदृश्य है , फिर भी हर व्यक्ति उसे अपने ढंग से महसूस करता है। हम एक अग्नोस्टिक एथीस्ट हैं , यानी हम ईश्वर के अस्तित्व पर विश्वास नहीं करते। हमें लगता है कि ईश्वर मानव की कल्पना है , और वह हमारे जीवन की समस्याओं को सुलझाने के लिए नहीं आता। फिर भी , हम  हर दिन पूजा अवश्य करते हैं , मंत्र और श्लोकों का पाठ भी करते हैं। तो आपको लग रहा होगा कि ये कैसी नास्तिकता जो पूजन करें? तो आपको इसे समझने के लिए थोड़ा गहराई से सोचना होगा। यह पूजा किसी चमत्कार की उम्मीद में नहीं , बल्कि हमारे लिए एक याद दिलाने वाला अभ्यास है। क्या याद करना चाहते है हम? पूजा के माध्यम से हमें उन नैतिक

Pinnacle or Pain ?!

Why do I feel like I am all alone in my team? Why do I have none on my side?  Struggle and the consequent success are often painted with a broad brush of accolades and admiration, but the path to the pinnacle can be a lonely one. As Mark Twain astutely observed,  if you are on the side of majority, you need to pause and introspect .  Because  you can't be both- with the majority as well as at the top of it.  Also,  majority can never be at the top.  Because if that ever happens, that point no more remains the top. The new top is naturally created in the process.  Twain's insight reveals that while being part of the majority offers comfort , it also calls for self-examination, especially in the context of leadership and societal structures. The majority represents widely accepted views, but this uniformity often clashes with the idea of being at the top, which requires distinctiveness and excellence. For instance, the orthodox norm of daughters not requiring to pursue high

Joy to be hidden, disaster not to be found!

There comes a time when life feels like a train journey, halted at a station that isn't quite where you imagined it would be. The sounds of bustling passengers fade into a distant hum, and I find myself standing alone, unsure of the destination or the path. I have spent years chasing goals, building dreams, and proving myself. Yet, at this moment, the future is an empty track stretching into the unknown. I am here, with all my achievements, yet the weight of uncertainty is heavier than I expected. Teaching, writing, exploring—everything I have loved and longed to pursue suddenly feels wrapped in hesitation. Is this the direction I should take? Or is it just another stop before a bigger journey? The heart longs for clarity, for purpose, but sometimes, the answers don’t come easy. Perhaps it’s because I’ve always been a lone traveler. I’ve walked through the stations of life, often without the company of many friends or the warmth of a familiar hand to guide me. The solitude has made

The Visionaries of Today are Often Misunderstood by the Pragmatists of the Present

‘We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are.’ This profound observation, often attributed to Anaïs Nin, encapsulates the divergent lenses through which individuals perceive the world. It reflects the essence of perception. Visionaries vs. Pragmatists: A Clash of Perspectives Visionaries, driven by a perspective shaped by imagination and far-reaching insight, often find themselves at odds with pragmatists who focus on the constraints of the present. Throughout history, this tension between visionary thought and pragmatic action has shaped the course of progress. The pragmatist, grounded in the realities of the current world, may reject ideas that seem impractical or out of reach. Yet, it is the visionary who can see beyond the limitations of the present, toward the potential of the future. The visionary, with their gaze fixed on the horizon, often sees beyond the constraints of the present. They are the dreamers, the innovators, and the catalysts of change. Their ideas may

एक के लिए विश्वास, दूसरे के लिए अंधविश्वास- दृष्टिकोण की बात

  क्या आपने कभी सोचा है कि एक साधारण क्रिया, जो कुछ लोगों के लिए पवित्र होती है, दूसरों को तर्कहीन क्यों लगती है? एक आस्थावान व्यक्ति सितारों की ओर दैवीय मार्गदर्शन के लिए देख सकता है, जबकि एक संशयवादी उसी क्रिया को मात्र अंधविश्वास कहकर खारिज कर सकता है। यह विरोधाभास उस कहावत को सार्थक करता है, "एक के लिए धर्म, दूसरे के लिए अंधविश्वास है," जो मानव विश्वास प्रणालियों के बारे में एक मौलिक सत्य उजागर करती है। ऐसे गहरे अंतर क्यों होते हैं? और धर्म और अंधविश्वास के बीच की रेखा आखिर कहाँ खिंची जाती है? आइए इन सवालों की गहराई में जाएँ और धर्म, अंधविश्वास और उन समाजशास्त्रीय दृष्टिकोणों का अन्वेषण करें जो हमारे विचारों को आकार देते हैं। धर्म और अंधविश्वास के बीच पतली रेखा कुछ लोगों के लिए, धर्म नैतिक ढांचा और जीवन के बड़े सवालों के जवाब प्रदान करता है: मैं कौन हूँ? मैं यहाँ क्यों हूँ? मरने पर क्या होता है? दूसरी ओर, अंधविश्वास को अक्सर तर्कहीन माना जाता है, जो अज्ञानता या डर से उत्पन्न होता है और तर्कसंगत आधार की कमी होती है। हालांकि, अगर हम एक कदम पीछे हटें, तो दोनों के बीच की

Religion to One is Superstition to Another

“Faith for one, folly for another: drawn not by reason but by perspective” Have you ever wondered why a simple act, sacred to some, may seem irrational to others? A believer might  look up at the stars  for divine guidance, while a skeptic may dismiss the same gesture as mere superstition. This paradox encapsulates the adage, "Religion to one is superstition to another," a saying that reveals a  fundamental truth about human belief systems.  Why do such stark differences exist? And where exactly is the line between religion and superstition drawn? Let’s delve into these questions by  exploring religion, superstition, and the sociological lenses that shape our views. Thin Line Between Religion and Superstition To some, religion offers moral structure and answers to life’s biggest questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What happens when we die? Superstition, on the other hand, is often viewed as irrational, born from ignorance or fear, and lacking a rational foundation. Yet, if

Dog's Dignity Beyond the Label

  More than a pet, a furry friend, A heart of gold, a loyal blend. Pooja's Coco, Pranjal's Clay or Poorva’s Joy, A special sight, a playful boy. Yet, in a world of facts and science, Their essence often takes defiance.   And a simple word, a casual slip, Can stir emotions, make feelings flip. ‘Dog’, a term, sounds uncouth and cold, A creature's spirit, untold. A factual term, a biological phrase, Can stir a storm, a bitter maze.   For ‘dog’ alone, a term so plain, Can strip away the magic, what a pain! Beyond the label, a soul does reside, A love so pure, a faithful guide. Compassion, kindness, virtues bright, To treat all beings with such light.   Yet, in the realm of scientific thought, Their true nature cannot be naught. For science calls, for facts to guide, To recognize, where truth resides. To honor both the heart and the mind, A delicate balance must be aligned. For in the dance of facts and feels, A truth emerges, a lesson reveals.   With fidelity and joy, they lead

From Knowledge Hoarder to Knowledge Sharer

I’ve always been a sponge, soaking up information like a thirsty plant. From the intricate workings of a computer to the nuances of human behavior, I’ve been driven by an insatiable curiosity. Over the years, this thirst for knowledge has led me down countless rabbit holes, and I’ve accumulated a wealth of information that I’ve cherished as my own private treasure trove. I studied Biotechnology for my graduation. I hold a master's degree in Sociology and a Diploma in Events Management. Later I went on to study Nuclear science, Ethics in AI, Critical Criminology, Electronic Engineering, Infodemic Management and currently enrolled in studying Cybersecurity at the Harvard University. But lately, I’ve started to question the purpose of hoarding knowledge. Isn’t it meant to be shared, to inspire, to empower others? With this newfound perspective, I’ve embarked on a journey to transform myself from a mere knowledge hoarder to a passionate knowledge sharer. Run up to the HARVARD Universit

Exploring the World of Voice-Over

I wanted to share a bit about an exciting journey I've embarked on recently: the world of voice-over. I hope you find this information both interesting and insightful. Voice-over work involves lending one's voice to a variety of media, including commercials, animations, audiobooks, video games, and more. It's an art that combines the skills of acting and narration, requiring a unique blend of vocal talent, emotional expression, and precise timing. As a voice-over artist, I've had the pleasure of exploring different genres and styles, each with its own set of challenges and rewards. One might find it interesting to know how versatile this field can be. One day, I might be voicing a whimsical character in a children's cartoon; the next, I could be narrating a gripping documentary or providing the friendly, persuasive voice for a commercial. It's a dynamic and creative process that keeps me constantly learning and adapting. I understand the importance of capturing

Qualified Leadership: Sewing Up the Nation's Future

Chunaav ka mahina, hai mach gaya shorr Fir aaya hai time to choose, who'll screw us more?! In straightforward tasks like sewing shoes, we believe that only someone with specialized training can fulfill our needs. We wouldn't trust someone with no experience, to cobble together footwear, no matter how attractive s/he may look or how convincing s/he may sound. We understand the importance of technical skill and knowledge in achieving a desired outcome.   However, this logic seems to vanish when it comes to politics. Here, it's often assumed that anyone who can win support is capable of running the government.  Popularity and charisma become the primary qualifications, although effective leadership requires much more advanced skill sets. To illustrate the absurdity, imagine that you are seriously ill and need an operation. Would you choose a surgeon based on their press conference charisma or years of medical training and proven experience? Of course, you'd prefer